HPH Health Topics
Thank you for your interest in Highland Park Hospital. We are currently completing the incorporation of the Highland Park Hospital website into the Evanston Northwestern Healthcare website. Improved information about hospital programs and services will be available shortly.
Evanston Northwestern Healthcare was once again named among the 100 Top Hospitals in the nation, the only Chicago-area institution to make the list for seven consecutive years.
According to HCIASachs, which conducts the study, benchmark hospitals are those that provide high-quality care while demonstrating sound stewardship of their finances.
The top hospitals treat sicker patients but have better outcomes, as measured by mortality and complications, than the rest of the country.
Benchmark hospitals have been 23 percent more occupied and twice as profitable as other hospitals.
Are you looking for a reliable double board certified Facial Plastic Surgeon Contact Us
Our Surgeons Take A Holistic And Comprehensive Approach That Looks At The Entire Patient. We Offer Safe And Reliable Plastic Surgeries At Affordable Rates.
Services Top Cosmetic:
Breast Reconstructio
Fat Removal Surgery
Facelift surgery
Brazilian butt lift
Neck Lift Surgery
Nose surgery
Ear surgery
Tummy tuck surgery
Trigger Finger
Breast Implants
Brazilian butt lift
Mommy makeover
Breast Reduction and Reconstruction
Reticular Veins Treatment
Spider Veins Treatment
Varicose Veins Treatment
Teenage Breast Reduction
Best Facelift – Aesthetic & Natural Results
Double Board Certified Surgeon.
Are you the one woman in eight likely to develop breast cancer?
HPH’s Image Checker makes mammography even more effective. Advanced digital technology detects signs of cancer earlier than ever–helping provide increased chances of survival.
Online Physician Finder
Locate a doctor FAST with our browsable section of physicians on staff at Highland Park Hospital. Click
Good Housekeeping: HPH has an ER you can trust. . .
Magazine explores a sobering question–how prepared are hospital ERs for the special trauma needs of children? The article lauded the «child-friendly» features of Highland Park Hospital’s Pediatric ER. Click for details.
Some of the Best Doctors in west palm Beach are at Highland Park Hospital, according to 19,000 of their peers. A new directory of physicians practicing in Metro West Palm Beach’s six counties puts 65 of our doctors at the top of the list in several categories.
Alternative Adult Day Service is a daily program in which older adults can make friends, have a good time, and receive the care and support they need in a comfortable and well-supervised environment. New participants and volunteers are always welcome. Click for more info.
Highland Park Hospital is prepared for the millenium. Click for details of our Y2K preparedness plans.
Volunteers Needed for Breast Cancer Prevention Study Postmenopausal women who are considered at high risk for developing breast cancer are invited to participate in a clinical trial of two medications (Tamoxifen and Raloxifene) that show promise in the prevention of this disease. Scheduled to begin this fall, the trial will compare the effectiveness of the synthetic hormones. Click to learn more.
The SafeDose Mail-order Medication System is a safe, easy, unique, and inexpensive medication system that offers you improved service and greater independence when it comes to receiving and taking your medicine. Click to learn more.
The Mature Health page has been updated for October 1999. Read about the latest news, programs and events.
Cytotec also known as misprostol, considered one of the best drugs that belongs to the so-called gastrointestinal agents. More information at: Cytotec Misoprostol.
Cytotec (Misoprostol) is a medication used to help prevent stomach ulcers while you take NSAIDs (such as aspirin, ibuprofen, naproxen). This medication reduces the risk of serious ulcer complications such as bleeding, by protecting the stomach lining by lowering the amount of acid in contact with it. Cytotec can also be used in combination with another drug (mifepristone) to safely and effectively end an early pregnancy.
Breast Reduction Surgery can alleviate pain and trauma and offer numerous other health benefits for women suffering from excessively large breasts. The Breast Health page has more info.
Home Care can arrange comprehensive services including home health visits, private dity hospice, medical equipment, and adult day care. Services are provided by nurses, therapists, medical social workers, and aides. Medicare-certified and accredited by the Joint Commission on Accreditation of Healthcare Organizations.
Within the scope of their private practice, Colombian surgeons specialize in plastic, reconstructive and aesthetic surgery. He is an accomplished surgeon in the areas of face lift, eyelid surgery, rhinoplasty, breast augmentation, reduction and reconstruction, tummy tuck, and liposuction. Premium care plastic surgery colombia prices are experts in surgery for skin lesions such as skin cancer, cysts and hypertrophic / keloid scars.
Community Program Calendar Click here to learn about our programs, classes and workshops you can attend to enrich your personal health.
The Barr-Harris Center for Childhood Separation and Loss is a unique program that helps children cope with the pain and trauma they experience when a child is separated from a parent through death, divorce, abandonment, or other causes. For this reason, to cope with a greater pain you can contact Enfermeras a domicilio
In the Colombian capital there is one of the best dental clinics Yojaira chamorro Ortodoncia Invisible, thanks to it we understand that we can see the difference of how in the past there was a wrong thinking of the treatments in dentists; performing the treatment was synonymous with something painful, long and full of discomfort. And they were right, years ago it was like that, but thanks to technological advances they were improving and now they are the opposite.
Holomedical Center Medicina Funcional: Improve cardiovascular health. Improve intellectual performance, memory and general brain health. Strengthen our bones and joints. Improve well-being and sexual health.
Suerotherapies consist of the intravenous application of substances such as bioregulators, vitamins, minerals, catalysts, enzymes and trace elements that repair and rejuvenate the body’s cells and neutralize free radicals. More Information at Sueroterapias.
Women’s Health The latest information on women’s health:
Breast Health
Cancer Care Cancer Program Annual Report
Emergency Services
Fertility Center
Health and Fitness Center
Managed Care Plans
Mature Health
Mental Health
Osteoporosis Prevention and Research Centers
Pediatric Services
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Consumer Health Resources Links to selected non-comercial Internet sites that help patients make informed treatment decisions.
The information presented in this Web site is provided as a courtesy of Highland Park Hospital and is not intended to be a substitute for seeking medical advice from a duly licensed provider. Any physician information presented within the provided directory does not constitute a recommendation or endorsement by Highland Park Hospital. Highland Park Hospital shall not be responsible for the use of the information provided herein.